keskiviikko 30. huhtikuuta 2014

Very educational!

Today, after work, I was looking for a (miniature) cast iron stove I know I've got somewhere. Did I find it? Well, no I didn't!
Instead I found more garden tools and these prints I've taken who knows when... These kind of prints, familiar from school, can still be found at flee markets and I think they are very nostalgic. So I decided to postpone my search for the stove and instead I glued the prints on an (aged) cardboard. That was a good decision I think because I seem to be on a slow motion mood at the moment, and the educational boards turned out fine. Maybe there is a lesson to be learned here? Maybe I should mark the contents of all my "miniature stuff" - boxes a bit more precise?
Anyway! I wish you a joyful Fist of May tomorrow and have a great vacation if you've got one! Because I'm not going to work tomorrow, I'll continue the search...

perjantai 25. huhtikuuta 2014

Katsokaahan,kuinka maali kuivuu!

Jepulis, näin mielenkiintoisia kuvia minulla on näyttää tänään! Olen päässyt puutarhamajan rakentamisessa kattoa vaille valmiiksi ja tänään maalasin vajan ulkoseinät sekä lattian. Eihän tuo laimennetun hernekeiton sävyinen vihreä mikään maailman kaunein väri ole, mutta jotenkin se sopii mielestäni tällaiseen vaatimattomaan ulkorakennukseen. Nyt pitää vielä päättää ikkunapokien ja oven väri. Kamppailen mustan ja valkoisen välillä, joten jos joku teistä haluaa lausua mielipiteensä, sana on vapaa!

keskiviikko 23. huhtikuuta 2014

A Garden Hut

Hello there!
My miniature hut is getting its' shape and it's been fun to make it and notice how much one can do with mostly left over wood sticks and bits and pieces. The hut is not going to be very big, but they never are, are they? My plan is to seed some edibles (herbs) in the wine box, so there really isn't much room for a building. I went through my stashes the other day and it was really amazing how many miniature garden tools I've bought over the years. This project must have been a secret plan of mine for longer I realized...

perjantai 18. huhtikuuta 2014

Celebration of spring

In deed! Spring is here again and it's time to celebrate new growth and so on. I have been inspired by the book I bought (Gardening in Miniature)  and now I'm of course building a miniature garden. I begun my project today by building a garden hut, and here's seen one wall from inside out ... The whole miniature garden is going to be situated in a wooden wine box, so obviously it is not going to be very large.  My plan is to build and work with all the bits and pieces left over from my bigger miniature house, so no worry! There will be a lot of material, all kinds,  for this little project of mine.

torstai 17. huhtikuuta 2014

Kevään kunniaksi

Ostin jokin aika sitten kuvassa näkyvän kirjan. Kirjan hankinnan vaikuttimena oli oikeastaan kaksi syytä.
Nyt kun työväenopiston kurssi on taas laitettu pakettiin tältä keväältä, tajusin, ettei kotioloissa tule juurikaan pakerettua Oivan pariskunnan talon kanssa. Naapurisovun kannalta on ensisijaisen tärkeää, ettei ihminen käytä kerrostaloasunnossa turhan äänekkäitä koneita, ja onhan tuon paremman puoliskonkin kanssa yritettävä pysyä sovussa... Toinen syy (siis pitääkö syitä kirjan hankintaan oikeasti olla?) oli jonkin sortin innostus parvekeviljelyyn.
Olen kasvattanut parina kesänä parvekkeellamme chiljä melko hyvällä menestyksellä. Nytkin keittiön ikkunalaudalla odottaa parisenkymmentä koulittua pikkutainta pääsyä ulkoruokintaan. Vielä on tietenkin liian aikaista päästää taimia ulos luontoon, mutta sormet jo syyhyävät, joten tuumasta toiseen! Melko meluttomana välityönä olen ajatellut hyödyntää osan runsaasta 'Bilteman tikut' - varastostani. Jepulis, tunnustettakoon! Uskoin siihen samaan kamalaan juoruun lukijan kanssa! Että muka tikut olisivat loppumassa Biltemasta, hah! Nyt ei 'työhuoneessamme' pääse mihinkään suuntaa näkemättä em. tikkuja sahattuna, halkaistuna tai (mikä pahimpaa) alkuperäisissä pussukoissa! Siispä, nyt rakentamaan ja kasvattamaan parvekkeella...

Mukavaa pääsiäisen aikaa teille kaikille!

perjantai 11. huhtikuuta 2014

C'est la vie!

This is how I last saw my house yesterday when I left it at Helsinki Exhibition Center. There is the annual Model Expo held this weekend and just like last year, my house has already faced some little damage.
It's a pity I didn't have my camera with me earlier this week, because now I don't have any evidence
of my fitted and glued balusters! They really were fine for about 30 minutes, but alas! The first part detached during the transportation from our workshop back home and the rest clicked off yesterday. I say! What kind of rubbish epoxy glue they sell these days! Now my house is on show, nearly finished (the facade) repaired with a lot of masking tape, oh my!
I phoned my friend at the scene today, because I was at day job and couldn't get to the fair. She told me that they had got many offers for my house during the day, and if I won't show myself at the place in time tomorrow, they'll sell the house for the first buyer. Panic! Must set the alarm clock on early for tomorrow! After all  I'm not ready to apart my ugly duckling monster yet!

torstai 3. huhtikuuta 2014

So frustrating!

Today I had a good feeling on my way to our weekly miniature house building session. I was really in the mood for fitting and finally attaching the banisters I've made.
Well, instead I managed to 1) drill two right size holes, 2) cut and lose one drill bit and finally 3) glue the handles of my balcony doors (as a miracle) spot on... But all this took me nearly three hours, so it wasn't really my evening after all!
In fact I did also saw off some extra bits of the railings, showed the railings a lot of sandpaper, sweated (a lot) from the palms of my hands and realized there's still one building session next week before the annual Model Expo of Helsinki! Iiik, panic!!
Oh well, this wouldn't be the first time I show some unfinished work at the expo. And! the door handles sit tight on their places, I've finished and glued the windows on their places and! there's still next week for the final trimming of the balcony.