First paint the piece you are working at with (a base coat) of paint. Wait until the paint has dried.
Then spread evenly some glue on that painted surface. Do not use any quickly drying glue, mind you... While the glued surface is still wet, sprinkle semolina on the glue. Right, have a fag, pour yourself a glas of wine or take the hoover out of the cupboard, because you'll need it sooner or later.
Now then, there should be semolina all over the glued surface and all over the floor. Preferably forget about the whole thing at least for some hours or over night (as if)! The idea is to leave the glued and semolina covered surface in peace, DON'T touch it, and never mind the floors!
When the porridge-cover surface has dried, brush or sweep by the palm of your hand all the extra away and admire your work! And then paint the surface once or twice with the colour you've chosen!
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