tiistai 30. huhtikuuta 2013


May I introduce Niilo the Dog. As been told before he belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Oiva and he's most likely to be seen in my miniature house. Mr. and Mrs. Oiva on the other hand, do not exist as visual dolls, only in my imagination, so if you're waiting to be introduced to this imaginary couple, don't hold your breath, please!
Niilo is a crossbred and I'm not even trying to guess his origins, but here we go... Niilo is going to need some trimming after winter, but I'll need to catch him first! He's a wild one...

perjantai 26. huhtikuuta 2013

With very little damage

I managed to shift my gigantic house to Helsinki Exhibition Center yesterday. One or two of the stair railings broke but frankly, I'm past careing at the moment. I have a haunt that the stairs won't fit to their places anyway so maybe I'll just make new ones this summer... Our stand has some really nice miniarure houses to show, but selfish me took only a picture of my semi furnished kitchen. Shame on me! This weekend's project has been more stressful I could imagine, but I'll promise to show you some pictures of the other works soon. Now I just want to lift up my feet and concentrate on anything on TV! Have a great weekend!

tiistai 23. huhtikuuta 2013

For some reason...

....this morning the hood I made had fallen down off the wall and there was no electricity in the ceiling light. Why oh, why?? I especially want this late 50' / early 60' lamp to work in my miniature kitchen because I bough it from some fleemarket years ago for this purpose... And how I've abused that poor lamp! The plastic is so old, that it broke in pieces on the top (white part) so I added some extra piece of white painted soft metal there.(So far so good). Then I managed to break the red part at least in three pieces but didn't give up! I thought I can always turn the lamp shade around the way you won't see damidge I've done. Finally I got the lamp hanging from the ceiling and when it was time to solder the wires with tin I dropped some hot tin on the plastic frame and nearly melted the whole thing!! But the light was great, I can assure you and tomorrow is an other day. Time to get some light into my kitchen, I swear! And in stead of showing a picture of the damage I want to show you some beautiful flowers. See you!

maanantai 22. huhtikuuta 2013

Always look on the bright side...

Our weekly workshop of miniature building is over for this spring, blaah! But on the other hand I've got my 'winter vacation' this week, so things are not too bad... As I'm not an eager winter fan, I try to save my one week vacation for as late as possible before summer vacation. I'm happy to tell you that all the snow has melted and some migrant birds have already arrived, so there's no reason to moan! This weekend there is an annual Model Expo held here in Helsinki and some of our building groups' works are going to be shown there. The idea is to bring some unfinished as well as finished works to the show, so my very unfinished house was an obvious choice... Is it going to be a rousing example or a warning, I wonder!?
Anyway, I decided to get my miniature kitchen as finished as possible. Already cut and glued the fake firewall, and yesterday I made a hood over the cooker. Our very demanding weekend guest did not appreciate my hobby (once again..). but as he's lounched back home now there's plenty of time for me to finish my work before weekend, I think.

tiistai 16. huhtikuuta 2013

Tiilenpäitä lukemassa?

Talo selälleen lattialle ja laastia peliin!

No, ei sentään!
Ostin pari vuotta sitten tuollaista tiilijäljitelmää Nukkekoti ja Lelu-verkkokaupasta ajatuksella, että kyllä sille käyttöä löytyy ennemmin tai myöhemmin. Ja kyllä löytyi! Halusin nimittäin puuhellani taustaksi kunnon palomuurin ja valmista syntyi melko pienellä vaivalla. Tiilet, jotka ovat siis paksuudeltaan noin 3 mm, on liimattu nailonverkolle, joten sain hieman pähkäiltyäni leikattua sopivan palan ja sitten vielä leikkelin hohtimilla niks, naks ylimääräiset tiilenpätkät puolikkaiksi. Palan liimasin seinään ihan tavallisella puuliimalla ja hyvin on paikallaan pysynyt.

Tänään olikin sitten aika levittää saumalaasti. Käytin ehtaa kotimaista Kiilto saumalaastijauhetta, josta sekoittelin ihan mutu-tuntumalla pienen määrän velliä. Sivelin laastivellin tiilien päälle paremman puutteessa meikkisientä apuna käyttäen, mutta mikä tahansa pesusieni olisi tietenkin ajanut saman asian... Sitten vietinkin muutaman jännityksen täyteisen tovin arvuutellen josko laasti jämähtää tiilien peitoksi, mutta onneksi ei! Pienillä rätin palasilla sain ylimääräiset laastit pestyä pois ja lopputulos on ainakin näin tekijän mielestä mitä oivallisin!

Tarkoitukseni on vielä saada tiilimuuri vähän 'vanhemman' oloiseksi ja kaipa olisi syytä nikkaroida  huuvakin hellan ylle?


Käyttämäni tiiliseinämateriaali